Wednesday 23 December 2009

Oh my Jesus there has been so much going on in the ways of witnessing and shows. We've had shows here and there and everywhere. We've donE it for small neighborhood gatherings, luxurious Cruises, 12 FS classes, Hospitals, Hotels and there is more to come.
Tomrorow we have 3 shows. I in a cruise ship and 2 in some of the most expensive hotels in Cartagena. I'M EXCITED! and after all of our shows are done(that would be like midnight) we will come home to a big christmas dinner perpared by our AMs and other friendlies, YAY!
Here is a slew of unorganized photos from a few of our shows. There is more to come!( yes i know i said that last time but this time it's for real.I just need to get it off ppls camera.)
Just a few of us
Jingle Bells

Silent night in Spn/Jpn/Eng just for fun.


Hip Hop

At the childrens Hospital


Rhyden said...

God it looks like you are doing so much, I want to join your home.

Pala said...

Mims you look quite angelic in that dress! did you get to keep it?

Seiko Hashimoto said...

mimi! I must post more!