Saturday, 9 May 2009

Well funny things do happen

I got on the plane yesterday from LAX to start what was supposed to a 2 1/2 day trip.
I left LA around 1 pm and i arrive In MEX a few hrs later.I'm in transit, and I go to get the rest of my tickets from the travel agency but wonder of wonders, they tell me that even if I go to LIMA from Chile the Peruvian immigrations wont let me in the country because I've had contact with Mexico. On my ticket it will show that i flew through mex. So the best they said they could do was give me a refund for my roundtrip ticket. I didn't have an option so TTL i've got most of the money back. but this money is not enough to fly me back to the states and then back again to Lima through a diffrent route. Dun DUn DUn DUUUUUN! What do I do, what do I do?
Every once in a while something happens to me and it make me think "TTL for the family ALL AROUND the world." This is one of those times.
Dust and Ahlai's home kindly picked me up from the airport and took me in on freekishly short notice and they are nice anough to let me stay for a few days till i can pray and figure out what the heck i'm supposed to do from here.
Yup funny things do happen.

1 comment:

Seiko Hashimoto said...

well at least this way you get to see a little bit more of mexico, and maybe have a bit of fun in the mexican sun!! Just don't die!!