Wednesday, 4 February 2009

New old pics

It's been a while since I've posted photos, my camera's memory chip has a virus on it. So I went through my photos and I'll post a few that I dont think you've seen yet. We'll start in Japan then make our way towards Peru.

DeSantis family in Japan. This one you might have already seen but we all look happy and it's kind of for my Mam.
The Spring and I. (She's to beautiful.)
Me and Yurika being good witnessers.

Last photo with the girls from Kobe.
Giving Cathy a final squeeze before leaving for the airport.
...Moving on to Peru...

Area fellowship with all generations groovin'.

Jeremy and sister Stephanie.Being a little bit gay...we love you.


ROB and PREM said...

I didn't know you moved from japan... where are you South america? It looks great GB

Mimi d said...

I'm in Peru, Yay! Also I hope you dont mind that I put up that pretty photo of you from XD. I know it polite to get permission from ppl prior to posting their face on my blog but it's never to late so,...Hey Rob, how you doing? I have this pretty photo of you and I was wondering if you don't mind me putting it up on my blog...... You don't? AH fantastic! I knew it wouldn't be a problem,you love your beauty. If you've got it, flaunt it. I agree. Alrighty, thanks. Luv ya.

ROB and PREM said...

yeah you can use the photo I was flatterd to see it there...I tell people to go and look at me haha lol
Ok girl KGFG and be good