Saturday, 14 February 2009

Friday the 13th

Was a nightmare. I got sooo sick. It started out as a cough a couple of days back but hit me, and all the other girls in my room, like a bomb. I came down with a fever, had a crazy headache and my coughing got really really strong it felt like I was going to cough out my stomach.
I was cold, then I was sweating buckets, My coughing would make my head feel like it was gunna explode and the worst, I almost fainted. It happens just like in the movies. I got super dizzy, then I got the loud ringing in my ears, then I couldn't hear anything expect my very loud and glorified breathing then on the verge of having an extremely hard fall, I sent up a prayer and was saved by none other then the Almighty himself. No joke.
I'm so thankful I didn't faint, I'm so thankful my fever only lasted a day, I'm so thankful my headache is pretty much gone and I'm so thankful it's been a really long time since i've been sick and hopefully will be a really long time before I get sick again.
Please pray that I don't get a relapse and that this crazy cough goes away asap. It's not nice being sick. I hope you're well!


Seiko Hashimoto said...

man that makes ur friday the 13th a horrible day!! Mine was rather lovely!!! .... although when night hit i got the worst migraine .... which i haven't had in ages!! .... friday the 13th must be a weird day after all .... Take care girl! Don't drink the water!! Lol!

Anonymous said...

hey be careful out there...don't drink the water and stay away from foods you can't identify....don't make out with strangers!!!
Also let us know about your trip to the's that working out for you. Mom just prayed for you so you'll be fine:) Hey I fainted once....glad I was wearing undies :p

Poochies said...

So sorry, praying for you to get better. Don't eat the raw fish!!

Mimi d said...

For real please pray. I'm starting to have a hard time breathing cuz of all this mucus in my lungs. Its starting to feel like its never going to end. Pray cuz i need to keep breathing.

Anonymous said...

mimi are you better now?