Friday, 16 January 2009

PAULAAA, I know you're out there!

This is just a shout to my karaazie friendito Paulita to let her know that she's da' bomb and it would be a good time for her to hear from the lord about moving in with me and marrying me and then having a big family with me and taking care of all the children while I tarry to make enough money to support us.( You are too good with kids to be taken of them.) Paula, the lord has been putting this on my heart for a while now and I havent been able to shake it so I fugure I'll be a good messenger and just go ahead and let you know about your future plans. So there is no need to worry about your future, me and the Lord already work it out.

Te Amo.


Anonymous said...

oh but Mimi! i just heard news that you were trying to forget me!!

Mimi d said...

.....forget you? Why would I want to do that.