Monday, 17 November 2008

My week in lights

This week was busy and I liked it. A few of the highlights are:
Thursday: we went to have that dinner with Lara's friend.YUM.
Friday: we went to a recording company to audition for a spot on stage at a big shopping mall in Lima. And we got it. (Our show group will be doing a show every weekend in December for these ppl,hopefully we'll get even more shows for other ppl.)
Saturday: Went out shopping for our outfits and I made up a new dance for 'ding dong ding'.
Saturday night: We went out to a disco with Laras friends and had a good time.(photos of this event are coming.)
Sunday: We went to the beach again and it was niiiice and rellllaaaxing AND I SAW DOLHPINS!!! I did I did! There were like 5 of them!!! wooohoooo! They weren't there for very long but next time i'm gunna snap a photo of them.
Sunday night: watched "The Love Guru". hehe its so funny, you should see it.
So that's my week in a nutshell. We are doing lots of practicing so pray our show comes together just the way I want it too. hehe no , just the way Jesus wants it too.


Seiko Hashimoto said...

i am drunk and i love you!!! whoohoo for dolphins! al;kjlkajflkasdjfl;ka

Anonymous said...

Cool! i am definitely thinking about visiting prepared!

Rhyden said...

you must be busy, your never online these days.