Friday, 26 September 2008

Girls night out

I went To town with the girls the other night. We originally got all dressed up to go to see a ballet that was supposed to be playing, but we got the date wrong and the ballet was the next night. heh. But seeing as we were already dressed up we decided to go out regardless.
We went to a bar, got a little snack, man watched, did a bunch of talking and basically had a great time.
I also found out that I can't even glance at a guy without him taking it as an invitation to "come on over, sit in the vacant chair and follow us for the next hour even though we've already: said no, good bye, I'm very married, I'm a lezbo ( haha, just kidding I would never say a thing like that..:), ignored them, tried to hide from them and just generally showed a huge amount of disinterest. They just don't get it. Oh well, I'll just have to learn sneaky ways to deal with it;).

The girls getting all bootified.

Our snack.

Balieys coffee with whipped cream and banana cake. yuuum!

Me and Lara

Hungry for luuuv.( Come on stephalee, come on.)

Stephalee giving the look.

Lara passed out on my shoulder.

...yeah we don't know what we're doing...

Quacky was a duck and a little duck was he..

Naughty and nice, evil and good, the dark side and the right side, hate and love, etc..


Seiko Hashimoto said...

dang ... this stephalee chick is just a little bit hot!! And she really looks familiar!

Fyrefly said...

Yeah Mimz ... this kinda hot girl of urs DOESNT LOOK 14!!!!!!!!!!!

Mimi d said...

Well she'll be 15 in 2 weeks if that helps any.

Anonymous said...

it doesn't, we must still wait till she's 18

Junior said...

14??????What the heck is that? She is sooo cute. Are you serious? Is she really that young?

Rhyden said...

Damn fourteen......crap then why the hell does she look soooo tantilzing.
are you sure?? maybes your just mixing the age up to keep her to your self. hmm?

Patty said...

agreeing with this blademaster individual

Anonymous said...

I KNOW!! that girl is soo damn hot...its almost unhealthy she's 14..haha!!