Wednesday 23 December 2009

Oh my Jesus there has been so much going on in the ways of witnessing and shows. We've had shows here and there and everywhere. We've donE it for small neighborhood gatherings, luxurious Cruises, 12 FS classes, Hospitals, Hotels and there is more to come.
Tomrorow we have 3 shows. I in a cruise ship and 2 in some of the most expensive hotels in Cartagena. I'M EXCITED! and after all of our shows are done(that would be like midnight) we will come home to a big christmas dinner perpared by our AMs and other friendlies, YAY!
Here is a slew of unorganized photos from a few of our shows. There is more to come!( yes i know i said that last time but this time it's for real.I just need to get it off ppls camera.)
Just a few of us
Jingle Bells

Silent night in Spn/Jpn/Eng just for fun.


Hip Hop

At the childrens Hospital

Monday 21 December 2009


My pretty little sister just turned 20, look how beautiful!
She is kinda reserved on the outside but if you're cute she will make eyes at you that you can not resist and flirt shamelessly with you.
She might pretend not to be intrested but will kill it out there in Sakuranomiya at Sakura time.( Y-M-C-A, WAKU WAKU WAKU!)
She's real nice to live with cuz she's clean and not super picky and emotional about things.
She may not act intrested but if you have a good plan (El dorado) or if you listen to her plan you will get what you want and she will be the best crime-buddy.
I have so many fun memories with her specifically in the last 3 years that we lived together after our older sisters and yumi had moved away and we had no one but eachother to reminice about Chico-mart with. We spent much of this time on the mountain making 'music videos'(Jesus I'm holding to yoooou), trying to find yummy food to eat, rushing down the mountain for super importaint thing(movie nights and satilite dishes) and a slew of other things that if i mentioned here would only give us a bad name SO, all this to say I love you and I'm real glad mom decided not to give you away to her sister.
Go check your peanutbutter box, i sent a few delicacies your way.
love you!

Monday 26 October 2009

batch one

So I'm back and it was good. We did ltos of travling, lots of walking, and witnessing and yeah it was an experience. When i have time i'll write up some exciting testimonies.
Here are a bunch of photos. I went to Arequipa, Puno, Julliaca, Cusco and I stepped into Bolivia for like 10 minutes.

Leila and Me witnessing.
A temple in Cusco
In Cusco
A pretty church -Cusco.
they say the Incas we're smart they made 12 angles in one stone to make sure things fit together. Count it.
In Puno
Leila, Her dad and I in Puno.
Lake titicaca. The largest lake in the world.
they had a festival while we where there in Julliaca.
At the festival with monkey man.
My one photo in Bolivia.
In Arequipa
This church is 1623 years old. All stone.
In Arequipa, Beautiful scenery.

Kire jyanai desuak?
Batch 2 is comming. ( also i already have all the photos posted in FB, check it out.)

Sunday 11 October 2009


I'm going on a 2 week road trip to machu pichu and La paz to see the sites, do some hardcore witnessing, renew my visa( In Bolivia), and experience this country fully. It'll be good.
These last 3 days have been full of fun. Friday we went to Esperanza's birthday party, Saturday everyone came here for Stephanies birthday party and we played games and danced till 5 in the morning. It was actually pretty fun, we had these black lights up and people were dancing with pieces of tissue in thier hands pretending they were glow sticks (because the black light makes everything white 'glow'.) waving them around like freaks, stuffing them in their ears and noses and generally doing their best to impersonate a glow worm. And yesterday everyone came over again for a Mexican lunch, some yummy mouth water enchiladas. Then me and Linda went over to Sebis apartment for a dinner which was really nice. I tried to make some cookies but unfortunately they burnt, very, very badly.
And now i'm trying to pack and stuff all of my belongings in a bag that is too small and I dont know how this is going to work properly but I have 1 hr left before I leave for the bus station and I'm only thinking about what snacks I would need to bring along to make my trip a good one.
I dont know if i'll have Internet while i'm out there doing Gods work so if you need to communicate with me lets try to do telepathically, okay?
Ciao cyber world, I know i'm gunna feel the withdrawls.

Sunday 4 October 2009

doing the new...again.

It was beautiful and sunny today, it hasn't been this sunny in many days so i took advantage of it and went jogging down by the beach, which was AWESOME! Its been cold so this was the first time since April that i went to the beach and it was just what i needed. Some fresh air, a sea breeze, the sun, the waves, the cuties, and I got to witness to this guy I met on my way back home.
Also this evening we had a bday party for Franco. We made some wicked pasta and ravioli and Francos wife made a lemon custard cake. yummy!
In sad news our kitty died. yup got hit by a car and is now flying in heaven.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Life IS good!

I've been having a good time with everyone away (ehehe) its been fun. Food has been extra yummy, i've been more busy, i've painted our fence, lara has come over to spend a few days, I gave 4 12FS classes, i've watched fun movies, heard about the Jacton FDTPers adventures and saw many photos on their blogs, i've gone to a BBQ, learned 'what a wonderful world' on guitar, had some quality time with my man, done things at my own pace, and it i dont want it to stop. but life continues to change and i'll have to keep on changing with it.
On a diffrent note, i should be going on a road trip to machu pichu soon. I know i'll have a great time visting the sights, singing in restaurants, witnessing to english speakers and eating even more delicous peruvian food.
After I come back I going to try to take a nursing course with the Red Cross here and that will be my first step in fullfilling that goal.
Besides that we will be entering cmas push very soon and we need more personnel, for real, so if you're available and want to make our home even more awesome then it is then PLEASE write and apply, because I would love to see you! Hey no one said you have to commit years and years here, if the lord puts in your heart and mind to join us if only for c-mas then DO IT! (cuz christmas really isn't the same without you.)
I'm waiting for you. I know you want meeee, you know i wantcha! 1, 2, 3, 4, uno, dos tres, quatro!

Monday 21 September 2009

Fellowship photos

Leila and Stephanie have gone to Colombia to attend the FDTP for a couple of weeks and that leaves this house very empty and me with a lot of time to fill all by myself. so maybe i'll start blogging a little more faithfully now. heh
Here are some photos from last weeks fellowship.

Sammy, Pablo, me and Jemino.

Natalie, Stephanie and Lara.
The FGAs ( a pretty good crowd.)
and some of the young ppl.
It was pretty fun, we had a pot luck for lunch and a lot of singing and fellowshiping. It was really nice.

Monday 31 August 2009

This weekend

I went to spend a couple of days with Linda which was lovely. We did girlie things, ate yummy food, went on walks, watched a movie and we went to a country club, which was gorgeous. Some photos from the Country Club.

Check out the horses:), I like'm.

Has a pooland a trampoline and lots of grass.

Lindaand happy, happy me.
Good friends, good times. PTL

Sunday 23 August 2009


We had a birthday party for Anya last night and invited most of the younge poeple form the area for a dance. It was worth the effort.

Me and Anyas sister

Group shotYummies

Food and dance make me very happy.

Monday 10 August 2009

I'm thinking

Of losing weight...again....its about that time....but then again its just an idea....a good idea...hmmm...

Wednesday 22 July 2009

New profile photo

There is this one...

Then there is this one.

One is my underwear pose..... and the other is my swim suit pose,can you tell the difference? :D (If you get it, you get it.)
In other news I saw a kid today playing Kawa Bunga! Aaawwwsuuum.

Sunday 19 July 2009


pretty picture of my sisters, especially you pat. You can become the model mommy always wanted her daughters to be.
Yumi, Angel and Pat being pretty and pretending to have fun.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Home photos

Back row L to R: Heber(30), Anselmo(2)of A and E, Anya(25), Emanuel(26) w/baby(7 months) of A and E, Lara(18)Active member, Me, Leila(18), and Rufus.
Front row L to R: Stephanie(15), Steven(20), Ivanna(27), Dulce, Jeremy(18), Amy(22)
Ivanna and Amy came with Pantida to visit their family(Rufus/ Dulce) for a week at the end of may and having them was really great. they are part of the 'Wild Wind' team so they had lots of exciting stories to share with us about how they live and travel all around the world by faith and ppl they minister too etc. Ivanna is a great inspirationalist so the inspirations we had while she was here were pretty awesome.

A portion of us

Steven and Sebastian
Gypsy dancing
Leila, Pandita and I
Leila, Anya, Pandita, Stephanie, Rufus, Me, Ivanna and Amy.